Menlo Park, CA 94025 (650) 263-6210

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The Common Plumbing Issues People Face

Numerous things can cause plumbing problems. Some are easily solvable, while others need expensive repairs. If you’re experiencing any of these issues, be sure to get them fixed right away! But if you’re not sure what the problem is or how to repair it yourself, your best option is to hire a professional plumbing repair contractor. Here are some common plumbing problems:

Leaky Faucets

Usually, leaks come from the faucet’s washer. This is why you need to guarantee that you check your faucet for leaks before buying new ones. If you don’t know how to do it, you can call a plumber to inspect it for you. If a leak is found, the plumber will be able to tell you the best way to repair it.

Clogged Drains

Flushing your drains regularly is the best solution to preventing clogs. However, if you fail to do so, you can still hire a plumber to remove the blockages. Clogs can be caused by hair, soap scum, or even small pieces of paper. This can affect your daily schedule and delay your tasks, so do something about it quickly.

Frozen Pipes

If you’re worried about your pipes getting damaged due to the extreme cold outside, you don’t have to be. Remember that freezing temperatures can crack pipes, but you can stop that from happening by heating your water tank and pipes. If the damage is severe, contact an expert who can replace broken plumbing parts properly.

If you need plumbing repair, you can always turn to D Plumbing & Rooter Co. We are based in Menlo Park, CA, and we offer our customers reliable plumbing services. Contact us today at (650) 263-6210! Our team will handle the repair work correctly to make sure no errors occur in the future.

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